11/01/2016 Craft beer for ovarian cancer 11/01/2016 The Catalan Brewery 2D2Dspuma has produced 'Attack de Crab' to contribute to the Biomedical Research group in Gynecology. The http://www.2d2dspuma.com/ 2D2Dspuma brewery, located in El Congrés neighborhood in Barcelona, has launched Attack the Crab, a craft beer whose benefits will fund the research in Ovarian Cancer led by the Biomedical Research in Gynecology group at Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR)."At the end of 2014 and in 2015 we received bad news related to cancer and I felt the need to do something", says Susana Giner, responsible of 2D2Dspuma. As a result, she produced Attack the Crab, a beer made of coriander and cardamom, together with the breweries https://www.facebook.com/santapauales.cervesavolcanica/" Santa Pau from la Garrotxa and https://www.facebook.com/CervezasElOsoYElCuervo" El Oso y el Cuervo from la Garrotxa, and the help of the responsible of the blog 'http://cerveriana.blogspot.com.es/" Cerveriana'.VHIR researchers were the first who tasted this original beer. The promoters have produced 250 liters and have the will to launch a new recipe also for cancer research.http://www.yoinvestigo.org/colabora-vhir-donacio.php?id=80%20" If you want to donate to the Biomedical Research in Gynecology group, click here. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp