03/04/2014 Creativity takes over 2nd Science Beer 03/04/2014 Dr. Morell, Guarner and the painter P. Pastor hold an exciting dialogue based on their experiences The protagonists: two medical researchers, an artist, and a journalist as the moderator. "http://www.vhir.org/global/pdf/noticies/Participants%202a%20cervesa%20cient%C3%ADfica.pdf" Do you want to know them? The topic: the creativity that leads them to finding a needle in a haystack. The place: a reserved floor at The Velodrome bar in Barcelona, where there was no lack of Moritz Beer. "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax29EeXaWAk" Here's the video with the summary of the 2nd Scientific Beer! Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp