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Cristina Garmendia, Jesús Fernández and Alfonso Beltrán open the Training Program on Innovation


The speakers also visited VHIR in order to know at first-hand projects of knowledge transfer

Cristina Garmendia, Genetrix’s president and former minister of science and innovation, Jesús Fernández Crespo, director of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Alfonso Beltrán, FIPSE’s executive vice president, were the speakers of the first session of the "" Training Program on Innovation organized by Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), with the funding from ACCIÓ.Garmendia started the session explaining that “the great challenges in health can’t be tackled individually and for that reason it is essential the public and private collaboration”. In this regard, she said that the public procurement for innovation is an opportunity to foster health policies that can also be technological opportunities. On the other hand, Garmendia also highlighted the role of venture capital companies, to whom she went when she realized the lack of funding resources for innovation in Spain. For its part, the director of the ISCIII, Fernández Crespo, said: “research centers and hospitals must focus their innovation in tangible and visible results to improve the people’s health and further the economical grown of the country”. According to the FIPSE Vice President, Alfonso Beltrán, researchers know they have to produce results to improve the people health but they don’t fully know the exploitation of the innovation. Therefore, Bertran insisted in the idea that “researchers must understand they have more exploitation rights than what they think”. After the question time for the participants to the meeting and the streaming audience, Garmendia told the researchers two advices in conclusion: “to make good science and to hace a commitment with the society to share the knowledge”. The session was moderated by  the responsible of the Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Unit at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), Raquel Egea, and inaugurated by the Vall d’Hebron Deputy Director, Francesc Iglesias, and the VHIR director, Joan Comella. Before the debate, the speakers visited VHIR, accompanied by its director, who told them the aim points of the Institution and what are the most important innovation projects. They also visited some laboratories to know the principal investigators of VHIR’s work, especially those who work with solutions that can be interesting for the industries.The Innovation and Training Program, financed by ACCIÓ, consists in 7 sessions with first-rate speakers who will talk about new business opportunities in hospitals, negotiations on the transfer of knowledge, new funding methods in innovation, problems in the Spin off creation in the research centers in the hospitals, ways to protect the knowledge and patents, and where can a researcher sell the idea or the solution. Next session is going to take place on the 4rt of June, and the last one on the 3rd of December.More information: "" Training Program on Innovation "" Video of the session

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