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Dexeus Foundation grants a research project in ovarian cancer, led by Dr. Reventós



The project, funded with 6,000€, tries to identify microRNAs profiles to improve the effectiveness of the treatment

Dexeus Foundation has awarded Dr. Jaume Reventós, head of the Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational and Pediatrics Oncology at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), with the Gynecologic Oncology Research Grant for the project “Identification of microRNAs (mRNAs) profiles associated with short or long survival rates in patients with advanced ovarian cancer, to improve the treatment”. The total amount of the grant is 6,000 euros.The aim of this observational retrospective study is to determine miRNAs profiles in samples of ovarian tumor from patients in the advanced stage of colon cancer. Researchers will distinguish among women that after the surgery and chemotherapy lived less than 5 years, and those who lived until 10 years more. With these samples, scientists could assess the risk of recurrence and death of patients with stronger criteria, and work to improve the treatment.Dr. Reventós received the grant at the Auditorio del Instituto Universitario Dexeus, where the Foundation also awarded Dr. Clara Menéndez for her research career in the field of malaria and its effects in the health of pregnant women in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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