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'Diario Médico' emphasizes the number of clinical trials at VHIR



The director of the institute, Dr. Joan X. Comella, assures that the industry is more selective with hospitals

‘Diario Médico’ opens its first December edition with a report about the generalized drop in the number of clinical trials in Spain. Whereas in 2010 were done 200 new trials, in 2011 the number was reduced to 164. Nevertheless, the research center with more clinical trials in Catalonia, Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca, hasn’t suffered this fall.VHIR’s director, Dr. Joan X. Comella, explains in the report that in 2011 the institute earned 7.7 millions of euros with these activities, and until December 2012, 6.9 milions. However, he warns that the industry has become more selective with hospitals when conceding clinical trials. The weekly newspaper stands out that VHIR is still generating confidence and as examples puts the agreement that reached with Sanofi and the negotiations with Pfizer, BMS i Roche.

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