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Doctors, researchers and patients share findings of MetaHit Project



On Tuesday May 29th Vall d'Hebron University Hospital hosted an event to communicate the findings of MetaHit, the European project about human bowel, to patients and families that the have made it possible from its beginning three years ago. Patients and families of the Crohn-colitis Unit (UACC) from Vall d'Hebron University Hospital have had a very close collaboration in this project that studies the bacteria of the human bowel and the implications of these in the inflammatory bowel disease. Next June finishes officially the phase of development of the project, but results already have started having a great impact in the Biomedicine field.The digestive physiology and physiopathology group at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) has been very important in this project, coordinating the Spanish participation. They have explained to the real protagonists of the study - the patients and families-, the conclusions, now that end of the the project is near. In the meeting also was present Dr. Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich, who has explained the current situation of this research. After the speach of doctors and researchers there was a colloquium in which patients and families explained worries and doubts.Videos: "" "" Dr. Francesc Casellas, Coordinador de la Unitat d’Atenció Crohn-Colitis (UACC) "" Sinopsis de MetaHIT. Dr. Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich, Coordinador de MetaHIT. "" Bacteris i Inflamació intestinal. Dra. Natalia Borruel, Metgessa Adjunta a la UACC "" La flora en la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal. Dr. Francesc Casellas, Coordinador de la UACC "" Perspectives per al futur. Dr. Francisco Guarner, Cap Clínic de la UACC "" Informació accessible a la Web. Sr. Antonio Torrejón, Coordinador de Recerca de la UACC "" Sr. Manuel Rivero, President de ACCU Catalunya, and "" Mr. Rod Mitchell, Vicepresident de CICRA (Regne Unit)

On Tuesday May 29th Vall d'Hebron University Hospital hosted an event to communicate the findings of MetaHit, the European project about human bowel, to patients and families that the have made it possible from its beginning three years ago. Patients and families of the Crohn-colitis Unit (UACC) from Vall d'Hebron University Hospital have had a very close collaboration in this project that studies the bacteria of the human bowel and the implications of these in the inflammatory bowel disease. Next June finishes officially the phase of development of the project, but results already have started having a great impact in the Biomedicine field.The digestive physiology and physiopathology group at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) has been very important in this project, coordinating the Spanish participation. They have explained to the real protagonists of the study - the patients and families-, the conclusions, now that end of the the project is near. In the meeting also was present Dr. Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich, who has explained the current situation of this research. After the speach of doctors and researchers there was a colloquium in which patients and families explained worries and doubts.Videos: "" "" Dr. Francesc Casellas, Coordinador de la Unitat d’Atenció Crohn-Colitis (UACC) "" Sinopsis de MetaHIT. Dr. Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich, Coordinador de MetaHIT. "" Bacteris i Inflamació intestinal. Dra. Natalia Borruel, Metgessa Adjunta a la UACC "" La flora en la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal. Dr. Francesc Casellas, Coordinador de la UACC "" Perspectives per al futur. Dr. Francisco Guarner, Cap Clínic de la UACC "" Informació accessible a la Web. Sr. Antonio Torrejón, Coordinador de Recerca de la UACC "" Sr. Manuel Rivero, President de ACCU Catalunya, and "" Mr. Rod Mitchell, Vicepresident de CICRA (Regne Unit)

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