20/01/2011 Dr. Antolin explains on TVE the progress in the research of the intestinal flora 20/01/2011 Dr. Maria Antolin, from the research group in digestive physiology and pathophysiology of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), explains in the tv show 'La Mañana de la 1' of TVE, the study that points the possibility to validate treatments that can make changes in the composition of the intestinal flora, which would be a great finding in those diseases in which there is scientific evidence that the flora plays a key role. The program dealt extensively with the intestinal flora from different fronts, and one of them was VHIR research led by Dr. Guarner and Dr. Chaysavanh Manichanh, also from research group in digestive physiology and pathophysiology, which was recently honored by 'Diario Médico' journal awards. Dr. Maria Antolin, from the research group in digestive physiology and pathophysiology of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), explains in the tv show 'La Mañana de la 1' of TVE, the study that points the possibility to validate treatments that can make changes in the composition of the intestinal flora, which would be a great finding in those diseases in which there is scientific evidence that the flora plays a key role. The program dealt extensively with the intestinal flora from different fronts, and one of them was VHIR research led by Dr. Guarner and Dr. Chaysavanh Manichanh, also from research group in digestive physiology and pathophysiology, which was recently honored by 'Diario Médico' journal awards. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp