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Dr. Garcia-Dorado wins the ICS Research Career Award 2012


In the 5th Research Day also participated Dr. Francisco Guarner of the phisiology and pathophisiology group at VHIR

Dr. García-Dorado (Madrid, 1953), VHIR researcher, is the winner of the Institut Català de la Salut Research Career Award 2012. The prize is worth 10.000 euros and recognizes the excellence in biomedical research at ICS, in preclinical and clinical character. García-Dorado, M.D. degree (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1977) and PhD degree (Universidad Complutense de Madrid,1985), started his career at ICS in 1991 as the head of the Cardiology Service Section at Hospital Universitari de la Vall d’Hebron. He currently runs this service and manages a team of 20 scientists of the Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology at VHIR. His research is focused on molecular mechanisms of cell injury and death during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion, and the influence of ageing on the tolerance to ischemia and effectiveness of cardioprotection.The researcher received the award in the 5th Research Day at ICS, in which participated professionals from the seven research institutes of the Catalan institution. Representing VHIR, "" Dr. Francisco Guarner (watch video), member of the phisiology and pathophisiology group, explained how the colon works as an organ where there are three trillions of bacteria with different functions. Some of them are for providing nutrition, vitamins and amino acids.In the 5th Research Day also participated Dr. Carlos Marín, from the CAP Jordi Gol, Dr. Salvador Pedraza, from the Institut d’Investigació Biomédica de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta, Dr. Elisabet Vilella, from the Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili, Dr. Reinald Pamplona, from the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida, Dr. Antoni Bayés, from the Institut d’Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol, and Dr. Josep Maria Grinyó, from the Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge.

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