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Dr. Jaume Reventós presents in Georgetown University the results of his research unit



VHIR's researcher showed examples of molecular diagnosis in endometrial and prostate cancer

Dr. Reventós, head of the Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), presented the results of his group in a conference hosted recently at the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Georgetown University, in Washington DC (USA).VHIR’s researcher explained examples of "" molecular diagnosis in endometrial cancer, based on a transcriptional obtained through vacuum aspirations. This technique was developed together by his unit and the company Geadic and it is commercially available as a diagnosis kit. In the same conference, he also explained another product which is in a verification multi-centered clinical trial stage and it will be useful to detect "" transcriptional biomarkers of prostate cancer in urine samples. After the session, Dr. Reventós talked with researchers, Ph.D students, professors, and with the senior associate dean for international programs at Georgetown University, Dr. Inrma Frank, in order to prepare exchange programmes. The Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology at VHIR is a reference in the molecular and translational research of endometrial and prostate cancer, but also in ovary and pancreas cancer. Its aim is to identify new and valuable molecules and biomarkers to improve diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.

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