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Dr. Manuel Galiñanes leads the international debate about the treatment for ischemic heart disease



VHIR collaborates in the congress ‘Unsolved Problems in Heart Repair’ organized by Biocat

More than 30 international experts will debate the future of ischemic heart disease the 28th, 29th and 30th of November, at CosmoCaixa in Barcelona. Dr. Manuel Galiñanes, head of the Reparative Therapy of the Heart group at VHIR, leads the congress ‘Unsolved Problems in Heart Repair’ organized by Biocat with the collaboration of VHIR. Galiñanes stands out that “it is a unique opportunity to establish the basis for the execution of clinical trials on animals that could provide the knowledge needed to the effective treatment of the patient with severe heart failure”. The "" meeting will count with invited speakers, like Dominique Charron, professor and head of the Dep. Of Hemathology, Inmmunology and Therapeutic Target and CIB at Hospital Saint Louis (París, France), Asterios Tsiftsoglou, professor of Pharmacology at Aristotle Universiy of Thessaloniki (Greece), and Angel Raya, ICREA Research Professor at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia. The debates aim to discuss the limitations of current experimental methods and strategies to treat congestive heart failure, to identify strategies to overcome these in the future, and to establish standards to improve new clinical studies, interpret data obtained and transfer the results to clinical practice.Treating ischemic heart disease is a key challenge for the healthcare system in developed countries, and increasingly so for developing countries, due to the growing prevalence of this disease, particularly because of its long-term effects. In Europe and the United States alone, 1.5 million acute myocardial infarctions are treated each year.

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