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Dr. María José Buzón, receives the Young Researchers award in the area of basic research given by GeSIDA



This is an award in recognition of all the career of Dr. Buzón in the research for effective therapies that eliminate the AIDS virus from the human body.

During the opening of the 9th GeSIDA National Congress, held this week in Vigo, Dr. María José Buzón, head of Translational Research of HIV in the VHIR's Infectious Diseases Research group, has received the Young Researchers award in the area of basic research that gives this entity with a prize of 10,000 euros.This is an award in recognition of all the career of Dr. Buzón in the research for effective therapies that eliminate the AIDS virus from the human body. Among the latest published discoveries stands out a new technique that allows to identify possible reservoirs of HIV in patients under treatment. In particular, it has managed to determine that the HIV virus is transcribed in a subpopulation of cells, known as T CD4+ effector memory, long life memory cells that persist in patients for years even after long time going through antiretroviral therapy. And she has done it by using a new technique called RNA FISH-flow that is the first time that it is used in HIV to determine RNA (ribonucleic acid) in cell populations. Currently, her research group has launched a project to assess how different drugs and combinations of drugs are capable of awakening the latent virus. That is to say, to be able to measure the transcription of the virus in each cell subpopulation when you add a particular medication.Dr. Buzón has different recognitions: During the year 2016, entered the ranking of Top 100 Women Leaders, an initiative driven by the platform, Mujeres y Cía, which recognizes the talent of women with the intention of creating a society based on equality. In the same year, she received one of the 15 International Rising Talent grants, of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Programme. In 2015, she was one of the 5 winners of the 10th Edition of the L'Oréal-UNESCO programme of research of the "For Women in Science" in Spain.

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