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Dr. Rafael Grossmann protagonist of the 21st Annual Conference of the Vall d'Hebron



For 3 days, the Pavelló Docent of the hospital has hosted a score of oral presentations and 106 posters of the 11th Scientific Conference of the VHIR and the 21st Annual Conference of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

Dr. Rafael Grossmann, surgeon and traumatologist from Venezuela was the first surgeon who used the Google Glass during a surgical procedure, and today, he has pronounced the 21st Annual Conference of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. For 3 days, the Pavelló Docent of the hospital has hosted a score of oral presentations and 106 posters of the 11th Scientific Conference of the VHIR.During his presentation, Dr. Grossmann has reflected on the, "a priori," endless possibilities that new technologies provide in the field of health showing some examples such as the use of virtual reality to distract your brain from the pain, the possibility of access to the clinical history of a patient through the Google Glass or to have a virtual assistant for the medical action. The spatial computing has allowed us to be able to manipulate objects through gestures, without the need to touch them. Those are just a few examples of the great potential of the current technologies in medicine, care and teaching. VHIR's 11th Scientific ConferenceThe 11th Scientific Conference of the VHIR started on Wednesday 13 of December with the oral presentations of the nursing staff throughout all the first day. Thursday 14 was the turn for the presentations of two research areas: General Surgery and Vascular Biology and Metabolism (VAM) and also the presentation of the transversal programmes of research in Spina Bifida and Rare Diseases. On the same day, the 14th, they expose the 106 posters that were presented at the Conference. It should be noted the significant increase in relation to 2016, that were 60 posters. This year there were 20 posters for the category of residents, 28 for nursing and 58 for predoc/postdoc. In the afternoon, a jury formed by professionals of Vall d'Hebron, selected the top three in each category.Friday 15 was the day on which the two most voted publications in 2016 by the PIs were presented. The second most voted was the "Angiogenic factors in prediction of pre-eclampsia," by Dr. Manel Mendoza, researcher of the Maternal and Foetal Medicine research group at VHIR. And the most voted publication was the "Ocrelizumab versus Placebo in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis," put forward by Dr. Mar Tintoré, of Neurology and Neuroimmunology service of Vall d'Hebron and head nurse of the Multiple Sclerosis Centre of Catalonia. The two studies were published in the New England Journal of Medicine.On the other hand, Dr. Joan X. Comella, accompanied by Dr. Fátima Nunez, of Dr. Xavier Cañas, Montserrat Giménez, Laia Arnal and María de Valles have presented the annual results from VHIR, highlighting the quality of the scientific production, the increase in the number of projects, the increase in the funding obtained, the consolidation of the master and the next opening of the animal facility set VHIR-VHIO with one of the best imaging services of the country.Awards for the best postersAnother interesting part of the Conference has been the delivery of prizes to the top three posters in each category. The winners have been in the category of Nursing: in third place, Soledad Armengol Sánchez of the Department of Neuroscience, for the poster "Satisfaction perceived by the neurosurgical patient: nursing challenge. In second place, Georgina Martínez Fernández, of the Stroke Unit for the poster "The effects of combining trans cranial Stimulation, Direct Current (tDCS) with VR-based motor training in stroke hemiparetic patients." And, in the first position Teresa Sanclemente Boli, from the Surgical area for the poster "Returning home safely: a multidisciplinary study of patients with femur fracture."In the category of Residents: in third place, Javier Ros Montañá from Oncology for the poster "Colorectal cancer models BRAF mutated: correlation between clinical features, genomics and new consensus molecular subtypes (CMS). In second place, Blanca Gordon Ramírez of the Coronary Unit for the poster "Gender characteristics differences and clinical evolution of patients with non-valvular auricular fibrillation subjected to a coronary percutaneous intervention. In the first position, Guillem Casas Masnou of Cardiology for the poster Genotype-phenotype correlation in the non-myocardial compression of the left ventricle."And in the category of predoc/postdoc: in third place, Nuria Masià from the Oncology area with the poster "Quantitative proteomics unveils key mitotic regulators deregulated in the transition to androgen-independent prostate cancer." In second place, Joel Sampedro Vida of the Vascular Biology and metabolism, for the poster "Topical administration of DPP-IV inhibitors prevents retinal neurodegeneration in experimental diabetes." And, in the first position, Alberto Mendoza Valderrey of the Pneumology group, within the miscellaneous area SICARDPATH for the poster "Identification of leukocyte subpopulations as potential biomarkers of long-term survival with normal allograft function after lung transplantation."Award "Ajuts a la Formació Amics de Vall d'Hebron"In addition to knowing the scientific and institutional results that have been achieved in the VHIR in the last year, those attending the Conference have got to know the new young researchers sponsor by "Amics del VHIR" and business partners.As done last year, they invite all the friends of the Vall d'Hebron research to attend and personally deliver the diplomas of the fellowships to the 5 new sponsored young researchers, thanks to their collaboration. With this program, the awarded candidates will be able to develop their training for three years, conduct their doctoral thesis and obtained their PhD. The awarded this year have been Cristina Pardo Camacho of Digestive Physiology and Pathophysiology group, Oriol Vidal Cortés of the Biomedical Research group in Melanoma, ángel Edo Salvador of Gene Therapy in the Nervous System, Natalia Ana Mendoza Palomar of the Infection in Immunocompromised Paediatric Patient group, Daniel Alvarez de la Sierra of the Diagnostic Immunology group.

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