05/11/2013 Dr. Rello is the only Spanish in the world top 20 of researchers in intensive medicine 05/11/2013 The head of CRIPS is in the fourth position of the ranking, according to the h-index between 2007 and 2011 Dr. Jordi Rello, head of the Clinical Research/Innovation in Pneumonia & Sepsis (CRIPS) at VHIR, is in the fourth position and the only Spanish among the world top 20 of researchers in intensive medicine, according to the h-index between 2007 and 2011 obtained from the 26 most important publishers in this specialty. The results of this ranking are showed in the review "http://www.elsevier.pt/es/revistas/medicina-intensiva-64/artigo/google-scholar-e-indice-h-biomedicina-popularizacion-evaluacion-90204231" “Google Scholar e índice h en biomedicine: la popularización de la evaluación”, published in Medicina Intensiva by A. Cabezas-Clavijo and E. Delgado-López-Cózar, from Universidad de Granada. h-index is a progressive bibliometric system to measure the scientific efficiency, suggested by the physicist Jorge E. Hirsch. It measures both the productivity and impact of the published work of the scientist. The study determines that during the period 2007-2011, Dr. Rello had in the 26 most prestigious publications a 25 h-index according to Web of Science, 27 according to Scopus and 33 to Google Scholar. With these results taking into account the three bibliometric indicators, Dr. Rello ranks fourth in the world top 20 of best researchers in his field, and is the only Spanish in this list.The current h-index of Dr. Rello since 2008 is 59 according to Google Scholar. Furthermore, 193 of his articles published since then, had almost 10 citations (i10-index). Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp