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Dr. Ricard Ferrer is appointed associate editor at the prestigious journal Intensive Care Medicine

Dr. Ricard Ferrer

Dr. Ricard Ferrer


The head of the Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation group at VHIR will be part of the team that evaluates the scientific articles received by this journal, the best worldwide dedicated exclusively to intensive care medicine.

Dr. Ricard Ferrer, head of the Intensive Care Medicine Department at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and head of the Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation group at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), has been appointed associate editor of the journal Intensive Care Medicine. The publication, which has an impact factor of 41.787 and receives more than 5 million article downloads per year, is considered the best journal in the world dedicated exclusively to intensive care medicine.

Intensive Care Medicine is the official journal of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, which includes the latest knowledge in intensive care medicine, with articles on the latest findings in the field. As part of the team of editors, Dr. Ferrer will participate in the review of manuscripts submitted by researchers and select those that are suitable for the journal, taking into account peer reviews of each article. "Being appointed editor is an important responsibility. As such, I will work to improve intensive care research and ensure the best quality in what is published", says Dr. Ferrer.

Dr. Ricard Ferrer has extensive experience in care and research in the fields of sepsis and severe infections. In addition, he has a special interest in the application of new technologies in the field of medicine. Proof of this is the publication of original articles and review articles in high impact indexed journals, and participation in the writing of book chapters in this field. In recent years, he has also been active in the peer review of new articles in the journal Intensive Care Medicine, which has led to his appointment as associate editor.

Dr. Ferrer also holds several positions in international societies of intensive care medicine. For example, he is treasurer of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) and a board member of the World Federation of Intensive and Critical Care (WFICC).

"I will work to improve intensive care research and ensure the best quality in what is published", says Dr. Ferrer.

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