06/11/2014 Dr. Schwartz participates in the development of a strategic plan for innovation in nanotechnology in Argentina 06/11/2014 VHIR's researcher is part of the international consortium that has developed the proposal for the Argentine government Dr. Simó Schwartz, coordinator of the CIBBIM-Nanomedicine at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), has advised the government of Argentina to develop a strategic plan of innovation in the field of nanomedicine and nanotechnology. The international consortium that has guided the government is also participated by the "http://www.ibecbarcelona.eu/ca/" Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya and the "http://www.mdp.edu.ar/" Universidad Nacional del Mar del Plata.After identifying the priority lines of research, development and innovations in this field, VHIR researchers have suggested specific action lines as well as political instruments required to implement them through the National plan of Science, Technology and Innovation 2005-2030. Among the main recommendations, there is the creation of national centers, the promotion of clusters, increasing public investments in equipment and R&D&I projects, promotion of entrepreneurship, speeding up import procedures, and the implementation of strategic monitoring systems to identify and create opportunities.Dr. Schwartz will also participate in the follow up of the project, which has received the technical support of "http://www.ialetecnologia.com/" IALE Tecnología, and has been funded by the Argentine government and the World Bank. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp