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Dual pathology and woman, a problem beyond medicine



Normal1 Only between 10 and 15% of women who undergo a dual pathology treatment keep working.

Normal1 Only between 10 and 15% of women who undergo a dual pathology treatment keep working. There is need for a more specific training for all professionals involved in the care of this type of patients, as well as to promote studies on new treatments. Normal1 Normal1 Women who suffer from dual pathology, that is to say, addicted to some substance and, at the same time, a psychopathological disorder, face higher unemployment rates than men with the same profile. In fact, only between 10 and 15% of those that are treated work. At the same time, these patients also have a greater predisposition to suffer problems in their social and family environment, such as gender-based violence. Normal1 The dual pathology, due to the diagnostic difficulties and heterogeneity of the samples studied, is poorly understood. In these cases, the accuracy in the diagnosis is a crucial factor, but, at the same time, complex. The fact that acute and chronic effects of consumption and withdrawal of the different addictive substances simulate symptoms of other mental disorders and symptoms patterns do not exist at the time of diagnosis, make difficult the work of health professionals, as is the case with the team of the Addictions and Dual Pathology Area of the" Psychiatry Service at Vall d'Hebron, led by Dr. Carlos Roncero and Dr. Lara Grau López, researchers of the" Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions group of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). Normal1 This type of pathology has a high prevalence. Several studies point to the fact that between 47 and 90% of patients with this disorder by consumption of substances have another type of psychiatric disorder (such as, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, phobias and antisocial personality disorder). A" recent study led by Dr. Roncero with data centres all over the State quantified by a 70% the number of patients addicted to heroin with, at least, a psychiatric illness associated with it. Normal1 Normal1 Normal1 Women and dual pathology Normal1 Normal1 The problem of gender associated with the dual pathology focused the" 10th Monographic Conferences of Dual pathology and Gender, held in Barcelona in December 2016 and coordinated by Dr. Roncero and Dr. Grau López. In this sense, the profile of patients with this type of pathology clearly differs depending on their gender. Women intoxicate themselves more easily, develop an addiction more easily as well, and have more vulnerability to side effects of consumption. They also have a higher risk of contracting infectious diseases and more prevalence of affective and anxiety disorders. On the other hand, men have a higher prevalence of psychotic disorders. Normal1 In addition, in the case of women, their employment and social situation have a strong deterioration. Apart from the high rate of unemployment, sick leaves are more frequent the and their performance is lower. At the same time, they have difficulties in their family environment, the relationships (with a higher frequency of cases of gender-based violence) and problems in the care of their children, even with the intervention of the Government. Also suffer more legal trouble, as is the case of traffic accidents. Normal1 Normal1 Normal1 Better training of professionals Normal1 Normal1 The professionals involved in the treatment of these cases need appropriate training and knowledge to respond to clinical and social demands of the patients. So they can gain a greater understanding of the case, not only the characteristics of psychopathological disorders, but also the process of consumption of substances, intoxication and withdrawal, as well as of the social needs of these patients. Normal1 At the same time, they have to do studies that provide evidence about the most effective treatments, and to promote a comprehensive treatment, effective and of high quality, to achieve an effective interaction of the two systems, the treatment of mental health and addictions, which now work separately. Normal1

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