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The editor-in-Chief of 'The Lancet' closes Vall d'Hebron 18th Annual Conference



The 8th Scientific Conference Awards and VHIR Grants were also presented

The editor-in-Chief of the prestigious scientific journal "" The Lancet, Dr. Richard Horton, has come to Vall d'Hebron to give the closing speech of the Vall d'Hebron Universitary Hospital 18th Annual Conference which ended this Friday, December 12th. With an enthusiastic speech with references to Picasso and Salvador Espriu, Horton has reflected on the challenges of the future, that in his opinion are global vision of health, science, society, solidarity and sustainability. The conference has ended the 8th VHIR Scientific Conference.Before the The Lancet's editor conference, VHIR's director, Dr. Joan Comella, has presented the Institute's annual results. He has highlighted the good results on scientific production that puts VHIR's researchers in first-line research, with an accumulated impact factor during 2014 of 3.500. He has also presented the great economic results of the centre, obtained thanks to competitive calls, clinical trials, agreements with industry and donations. The hospital's manager, Dr. José J. Navas, has praised the daily work carried out by VHIR's researchers to improve people's health and life quality, and has remarked the importance of innovation to speed up this goal. VHIR grantsOnce again, the Institute has awarded the predoctoral grants during the Annual Conference, but for the first time in this 18th edition, "" 'VHIR's friends' have participated in the ceremony. The Institute's donors will fund for 3 years the predoctoral training of Casandra Riera, researcher from the Bioinformatic Group, and Luz Jubierre, researcher from the Translational Research in Child Cancer Group. VHIR's director has also made official the predoctoral grants to Raquel Cabrera, Neuromuscular and Mitocondrial Patology Group, Mireia Pagerols, Psiquiatry, Mental Health and Addictions Group, Cristina Andrés, Microbiology Group, and Elena González, Animal Models and Cancer, Melanoma program.Moreover, "la Caixa" is going to fund a post-MIR grant to Marta Torres, from the Headache & Neurological Pain Group. 8th VHIR Scientific Day award winnersFor two days 41 physicians in training, 36 predoctoral researchers, 9 postdoctoral researchers and 9 nursery researchers have presented their research projects in the 8th VHIR Scientific Conference. The participation of the doctors in training has been great this year in which they have organized their presentations. As in previous editions, Roche has collaborated in the scientific Day funding awards. Here is the winners list:Best predoctoral communication award Section A (Oncology): Irene Campoy, from Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology Group in VHIR, for "Identification of markers of endometrial cancer in exosomelike vesicles of uterine fluids using a super SILAC quantitative proteomics approach".Ex aequo award for the best predoctoral communication Section B: Sílvia Casacuberta, from Cell and gene therapy Group, for "Antigen-Specific myeloid-derived suppressor cells ameliorate the disease in the murine model of multiple sclerosis".Ex aequo awardfor the best predoctoral communication Section B: Cristina Sáez, from Diabetis & Metabolism Group, for "Human Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin is a Protective Factor Against Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"Best postdoctoral communication award: Marie-Eve Beaulieu, from Animal Models & Cancer Group, for "Pushing Myc Inhibition towards the clinic by direct delivery of cell-penetrating peptides"Best nursing communication award: Maria Alba Riera, from Health Cures Research Group, for "Pacients sotmesos a ventilació mecànica ingressats a UCI: prevalença d'estressors".Best novel residents communication award: Gloria Belén Encina, from the Intensive Cures Unit, for: "Disnea súbita en un paciente de 32 años con enfermedad de Von Recklinghausen".Second best ex aequo communication award for novel residents: Ferran Augé, from Systemic Diseases Service, for "Expansión del epítopo en la enfermedad mixta del tejido conectivo".Second best ex aequo communication award for novel residents: Pau Bosch, del Servei de Malalties Infeccioses, per la presentació "Complexitat del pacient VIH i les infeccions del SNC"First award communication senior residents: Ana Garrido, from the Medical Oncology Service, for "Molecular profiling in gynecologic cancer and matched targeted therapy: a step towards improving personalized medicine".Second best ex aequo communication award for senior residents: Berta Miranda, from the Cardiovascular Disease Service, for "¿Debemos recomendar triple terapia en pacientes anticoagulados crónicamente sometidos a la implantación de un stent con un HAS-BLEED Score de elevado riesgo de sangrado?".Second best ex aequo communication award for senior residents: Alejandro Correa, from the Obstetricy and Ginecology Service, for "Nueva herramienta de predicción del éxito quirúrgico de la linfadenectomía paraórtica laparoscópica de estadificación en càncer de endometrio y ovario".Second best ex aequo communication award for senior residents: Irene Sánchez Rodríguez, from Internal Medicine Service of infectious diseases "Estudio retrospectivo de las características clínicas, microbiológicas y terapéuticas de las fiebres entéricas (Salmonella typhy y Salmonella paratyphi) en dos centros hospitalarios españoles (Hospital Vall d'Hebron i Hospital Ramon y Cajal) del 2000 al 2013".Second best ex aequo communication award for senior residents: Olga Simó, from the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service, for "Type 2 Diabetes is an independent risk factor for dementia convertion in mild cognitive impairment patients". "" - Pictures of the Annual and Scientific Conferences "" - Video of Dr. Horton's presentation

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