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Elegance against woman's cancer and in favor of research



A 'Somni de colors' ('dream of colours', in English), the charity scarf that contributes to the women's cancer research at the Vall d'Hebron Campus, is presented to coincide with the Woman's Day.

The model Judit Mascó and the swimmer Ona Carbonell presented today, in advance of the Woman's Day, the second edition of the campaign 'Somni de colors' to raise funds for women's cancer research. It is an initiative of solidarity that is the symbol of the optimism, the fighting and the efforts of women who suffer from cancer. The solidarity scarf is the result of the close collaboration of Judit Mascó with the artist Clàudia Valsells. "For yet another year I join the campaign. Thanks to my friend and artist Claudia Valsells we were able to make this new 'Somni de Colors', the second edition of the solidarity scarf with which we want to support and encourage women who suffer from cancer. We need a greater awareness of the fact that research will help us improve the quality of life of people and that we all have to contribute to make researcher able to continue doing research," said Judit Mascó.On the other hand, Ona Carbonell has added: "I thought it was an excellent opportunity to collaborate in a cause that I consider as important as is the support for the fight against women's cancer. In my house I have lived from a very small age in a science and medicine environment and I am very aware of this reality. I know that the work of the Vall d'Hebron researchers does not stop to find solutions to this disease."The Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus promotes this initiative in collaboration with Natura, which is in charge of producing and distributing the solidarity scarf in all its stores and also online at their website. The profits on the sale of the scarves will be used entirely to fund scholarships for the training of young researchers in the women's cancer research. Cos A Dream in Colours 'My way'This year the campaign takes a step further and requires the collaboration of citizens to add to the initiative. As well, it calls for both men and women to put the scarf in the way you feel more comfortable, take a picture and share on social networks with tags #aMiManera and #ContraElCancer and also share their solidarity. Cos Balance of the first editionDuring 2017, 3.000 scarves were sold online and in 23 Nature stores, mostly in Barcelona. More than 30.000 euros in profits raised will be used to fund a predoctoral research scholarship. During the presentation, Dr. Joan Comella, director of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), explained that "100% of the resources obtained are donated for great professionals to continue investigating. We contribute to bring us closer to what some studies say: that in 15 years no woman will die of breast cancer."Dr César Velasco director of Integral Management of Information and Innovation of Vall d'Hebron has emphasized that "excellence in research, care and teaching that characterizes the Vall d'Hebron Campus brought us closer to the healing of cancer and also has reflect on the life of all citizens who visit us every day and especially in women who have undergone cancer". Gynecologic Cancer in numbers Every year 100.000 women are diagnosed with cancer in the country. Gynaecological cancer accounts for 15% of all cancers. The most frequent are endometrial, 6%, ovarian, 4%, and cervix, 3%. Those of vulva and vagina represent the 1,2%. Of these, the ovarian is the one with the highest mortality rate, of almost 4/100.000 inhabitants/year, followed by the uterine body and the cervix. Cos Vall d'Hebron treat these cases in the Gynaecological Oncology and Lower Genital Tract Pathology Unit, formed by 8 professionals who each year assist about 9.000 patients and perform a half thousand surgical interventions.In this regard, Dr. Antonio Gil, Head of the Vall d'Hebron Gynaecology Service, stressed that "we not only work to cure cancer but also want our patients to have the best quality of life. With the introduction of minimally invasive surgery and reconstruction in breast pathology, what we intend is that the patients can return to normal in their day to day life." Cos For his part, Dr. Martín Espinosa, coordinator of the Centre of Breast Cancer of the Gynaecology Service, stressed the importance of research, since "without research we cannot improve the treatments that the patients will receive." Breast cancer At the Breast Cancer Centre of Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus about 700 new cases of breast cancer per year are treated. It should be noted that 90% of the patients diagnosed with this disease in a stage in which the disease is curable through early detection programs and improved treatments. The most outstanding projects in Oncology and Breast Cancer in Vall d'Hebron are the treatment of patients with innovative drugs, with more than 50 clinical trials, both in patients with localized disease and in patients with metastasis. Dr. Cristina Saura, head of the Breast Unit of the Vall d'Hebron Oncology Service explained that "every year 200 patients are included in clinical trials that offer them the opportunity to receive innovative treatment with inhibitors of cyclin, immunotherapy, immunoconjugates or other therapies not yet approved and the results are very promising." Fortunately, the cure rate is very high, "but it is very important to continue working to find out what patients will have a relapse and what are the reasons," he added.From the point of view of the surgery, the early detection of tumours allows the diagnosis of injuries that are not even palpable. The incorporation of ultrasound to locate during surgery of these injuries improves the quality of life of patients because they do not need other invasive techniques. Vall d'Hebron is also a reference centre in the treatment of breast cancer during pregnancy. Thanks to the involvement of the services of Gynecology and obstetrics and surgery and Oncology, have already been dealt with more than 50 women in this situation in the past few years with very satisfactory results. In the presentation, also attended the models and influencers Vanessa Lorenzo and Clara Mas, among others, and two patients who have been treated at Vall d'Hebron who have overcome breast cancer and ovarian cancer respectively and have wanted to thank and support the initiative of the solidarity scarf. They are Gemma Baulenas and Gloria San Nicolás, who wanted to insist on "the importance of women attending gynaecological reviews periodically." The event has been held in the Natura store Pelai Street in Barcelona and has counted with the collaboration of the Arcasa catering and 21deMarzo Catering, which has offered a gastronomic menu 100% Plant Based, and Tanaki comprehensive communication company for hospital centres.

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