17/11/2014 Experts in congenital bone marrow failure meet in VHIR 17/11/2014 Dr. Josep Sánchez de Toledo’s team has organized the XXth Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Refresher Course Over 70 experts in bone marrow failure field, both national and international, met last Friday, 14th November, in the XXth Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Update Course organized by the Vall d’hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR).The specialists addressed the latest news in research and clinical practice of these illnesses, deepening the knowledge and diagnostic of population under the risk of suffering cancer.The "http://www.vhir.org/larecerca/grupsrecerca/ca_grups_objectius.asp?Idioma=en&mv1=2&mv2=1&mh1=2&mh2=1&mh3=1&mh4=0&ms=0&area=1&grup=20&menu=1" Research team in Child Cancer, headed by Dr. Josep Sánchez de Toledo, organized once again this meeting, reference in the field. The congress day concluded with Body-Cell Percussion’s performance, by Santi Serratosa and Mariona Castells. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp