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Extensive participation of the Cardiology Service at the European Congress hold in Barcelona



Twenty professionals from the Vall d'Hebron Hospital, mainly from the Cardiology Service, are actively involved in the European Congress of Cardiology - ESC Congress 2017 in Barcelona.

Twenty professionals from the Vall d'Hebron Hospital, mainly from the" Cardiology Service, are actively involved in the European Congress of Cardiology - ESC Congress 2.017 which will take place from 26 to 30 August in Barcelona.Organized by the" European Society of Cardiology (ESC), this year's edition brings together over 30,000 professionals at the Fira Gran Vía venue in Barcelona.The Vall d'Hebron Aortic Pathology Unit will have a strong presence at the ESC Congress 2017. They will participate in 4 talks as invited experts in different sessions led by Dr. Artur Evangelista, head of the Unit of Heart Image and of the Program of heart and aorta familiar diseases, and Dr. Gisela Teixidó, assistant physician of the Cardiology Service.For its part, the Section of Cardiac Image presents 13 communications. Among the main topics that will be discussed are: prognosis, family screening for bicuspid aortic disease, Marfan syndrome, management and treatment of intramural hematoma, application of magnetic resonance imaging in 4D flow to the study of ascending aortic aneurysm and cardiac magnetic resonance myocardial deformation as a predictor in the prognosis after acute coronary syndrome.The Coronary Unit participates with 4 posters on the management of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in acute coronary syndrome and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Dr. Antonia Sambola participates as moderator of a session of management of the acute coronary syndrome. The section of haemodynamics participates with 3 posters, in collaboration with the Coronary Unit.Dr. Pilar Tornos, ex-head of the Unit of Conventional Hospitalization and Day Hospital and of the Valvulopathies Program, participates as moderator in 2 sessions on endocarditis.The scope of cardiovascular disease research will be represented in the Congress by Dr. David Garcia-Dorado, head of the research group on Cardiovascular Diseases at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) who will participate as a speaker with a talk about ischemic heart disease and also as moderator of a session on myocardial cardioprotection. In addition, his research group also presents a poster on basic research.Finally, professionals from the" Pneumology Service and the" Ictus Unit of Vall d'Hebron also participate.Check the program of the Congress:

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