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Festa Major de Gràcia starts with the opening of the Dr. Elena Carreras



On August 14 the Festa Major de Gràcia starts with the opening of the Dr. Elena Carreras, head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Vall d'Hebron.

The neighborhood of Gracia, in a bid for a family and feminist party, has chosen Dr. Elena Carreras to give the open speech of its popular party. The selection is to break the tradition in which town hawkers have been always linked to the communication world, culture or entertainment. But also to highlight the role of women who excel in their professional fields. For that reason, Dr. Carreras, who stand out for her professional career has been chosen, but also for her relationship with the neighborhood since she was 15 years old.In her twenty years of profession, Dr. Carreras has devoted herself to fetal medicine and surgery, twin-crown pregnancies, prenatal repair of spina bifida and the prevention of premature births through cervical pessary. With her team, they have transformed the way in which cesareans are performed, betting on a type of cesarean section that gives more prominence to the mother and favors the bond with her son.In the opening speech, Dr. Carreras will take a tour of her experiences at the Vila de Gracia, where she lived for more than 15 years, and how her time at the Neighborhood Association and the Women's Vocalia conditioned her choice to study the Medicine career. Once in Medicine she chose the specialty of Obstetrics and Gynecology, to take care of the health of women with a female gender perspective: listening to women's wishes and making shared decision-making possible.On the other hand, will share with the attendees her personal experience in the subject of breastfeeding. Given the impossibility of breastfeeding her son, she went to a support group and this experience moved her into the professional field, modifying the way of focusing the support given to patients when a maternal or fetal disease occurs: incorporating the help of other mothers who have already gone through a similar experience, to give moral support.Dr. Elena Carreras is head of the Service of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Vall d'Hebron, head of the research group in Materna and Fetal Medicine Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), responsible for the Transversal Program of Spina Bifida and responsible of Patient Safety to Vall d'Hebron. She is a benchmark in this field. In fact, in 2014, Forbes magazine chose her with the best professional of her specialty from all over Spain.

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