17/11/2016 The first researcher sponsored by the Friends of Vall d’Hebron wants to tell you something… 17/11/2016 Don't miss out this video by Casandra Riera, researcher from the Translational Bioinformatics group at VHIR. The Friends of Vall d'Hebron have good news. Do you want to know more about it? Casandra Riera, researcher from the Translational Bioinformatics group at Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), tells you what is happening.If you want more information about the possibility of become Friends of Vall d'Hebron, in order to help more young researchers like Casandra, go to http://www.amicsvallhebron.org/ www.amicsvallhebron.org. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp