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Genes identified allow the outpatient diagnosis of endometrial cancer



The Biomedical Research and Translational and Pediatric Oncology Unit at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) led by Dr. Jaume Reventós, along with Dr. Antonio Gil-Moreno, from the Gynecology Service of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and researchers from the biotechnology company Geadic A.I.E., have conducted a study that identifies 20 genes involved in the development of endometrial cancer. The discovery of these molecular markers, which was recently published in International Journal of Cancer, creates a new minimally invasive method of diagnosis and highly sensitive in detecting this cancer.

The Biomedical Research and Translational and Pediatric Oncology Unit at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) led by Dr. Jaume Reventós, along with Dr. Antonio Gil-Moreno, from the Gynecology Service of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and researchers from the biotechnology company Geadic A.I.E., have conducted a study that identifies 20 genes involved in the development of endometrial cancer. The discovery of these molecular markers, which was recently published in International Journal of Cancer, creates a new minimally invasive method of diagnosis and highly sensitive in detecting this cancer.

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