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High-school teachers are trained in virology at VHIR



Doctors Josep Quer and Francisco Rodríguez-Frias have given a 15 hour course as training activity by the Department of Education of the Generalitat

Doctors Josep Quer and Francisco Rodríguez-Frias, researchers from the group of Liver Diseases at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) have taught the course 'From zika to hepatitis: the struggle of scientists against virus' which is part of the Teachers and Science program of Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation. The 15-hours course has been recognized as training activity by the Department of Education of the Generalitat.The aim of the training was to provide high-school teachers bases so that students can understand basic concepts of RNA viruses, such as Zika virus and hepatitis, that allow a critical view of the information in the media, social networks and the Internet. Researchers of VHIR have offered an introduction to concepts of virology, they explained the life cycle of the virus, transmission routes, the risk of infection according to habits, new methods of detection and study based on massive sequencing to study the virus, and what is the status of research associated with new treatments for hepatitis C and B.With two games and the educational material provided, course students now have tools to transfer knowledge about these diseases to their students.

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