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High school teachers learn the biology of cancer studied at VHIR



The activity is part of the Scientific, Technological and Mathematical Training Programme of the Department of Education

About 15 science and mathematics teachers of high school participated in the activity ‘La biologia del cancer a les aules. Xerrada científica i visita al VHIR’ (‘Cancer biology at class. Scientific seminar and tour at VHIR facilities’), which is part of the Scientific, Technological and Mathematical Training Programme of the Department of Education.First of all, professors visited the equipments of VHIR, such as the Animal Facilities and the Unit of High Technology (UAT), with a guided tour through the centre. Dr. Eva Colàs, postdoc researcher at the Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational Oncology of VHIR, gave aftwerwards a seminar about the current state-of-the-art in endometrial cancer, from the research and clinical angle.The activity was very successful among the teachers, because they got a real vision about how people work in a biomedical research centre of excellence, as well as the possibility to deepen and update their knowledge in the biology of endometrial cancer. This new knowledge will be transferred to their students, as well as the in-depth and detailed vision about biomedical research as a possible future career.

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