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Immerse yourself in the laboratories of the childhood cancer research group!



The company Noupunt also visited the service of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology to show all installations in 360 degrees.

Whether you have virtual reality goggles or not, from today you can see the laboratories of the group of Translational Research in Cancer in Children and Adolescents of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) at 360 degrees. The project, made thanks to the generosity of the Catalan company Noupunt, is an experience that allows the viewer to immerse and know the reality of the service, and approach them selves to the spaces in which their activity is developed." Click here to start the tourThe virtual experience is a letter of presentation of the quality of the facilities that Vall d'Hebron offers to children with oncological pathology or that have been subjected to a transplant of haematopoietic parents. At the same time, is an exponent of the importance of the multidisciplinary teams in which patients are integrated and their families to help the global development of the care quality. A form of gratitudeThe project of the tour 360é was born of one of the members of Noupunt, Sergi Gómez, old patient of Vall d'Hebron. With 13 years he was diagnosed with a non-Hodkgin intestinal Lymphoma, which was treated successfully in the Hospital. Years later, Sergi has wanted to have a gesture with the professionals who treated him. "For me" says, "is a way of thanking Dr. Sánchez de Toledo and his team all they did for me and that they continue doing for others children." Now the team is led by Dr. Soledad Gallego.For the tour, the team of Noupunt, formed by Martí Fradera, Enric Vernet and Sergi Gómez, made photographs of all the spaces for three days. To make them, they used a professional camera DSLR with an eye of fish great angular optical and a spherical panoramic 360é. Once the images are captured, they used a combination of different programs (PTGui, Adobe Photoshop, Autopano Tour i KRPano) to create the tour. Despite it is the first time that they performed a project for a hospital, the members of Noupunt have remarked that "it has been a pleasure to develop a project that can benefit, in a way, the great work that all the team of Paediatric Oncology and Haematology at Vall d'Hebron does."

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