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Intropia organizes a charity fashion market for research at Vall d'Hebron



The women's clothing brand allocate part of the profits for the VHIR's Predoctoral grants program." Intropia, the prestigious women's clothing brand, has decided to allocate part of the profits of its charity fashion market of Barcelona for the Predoctoral grants program of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). For one more season, the company reaffirms its social commitment to this initiative that each year allocates for a different cause. This year, the market will take place from 11 to 13 June at the" Maritime Museum of Barcelona.In the charity market can be purchased clothing and accessories from previous collections at special prices and with a daily replenishment of product. The entrance fee is one euro, which grants access to the charity fashion market during the three days. Tickets can be purchased at the following link or directly at the market.The opening will be on June 10 at 19:30 and will be attended by the Deputy Directorate of VHIR, Dr. Fátima Núñez, and principal investigator of the research group of paediatric neurology, Dr. Francina Munell. Both will be accompanied by a patient, who is now a researcher who will explain how research helps improve health and quality of life of people. The opening ceremony will conclude with a performance of a dance group of young people from the School of Dance and Performing Arts in Barcelona.VHIR promotes and develops research, innovation and biomedical education within Barcelona's Vall d'Hebron Hospital Campus. Thanks to periodic donations from Amics de la Recerca and various initiatives like this, 11 young researchers have been awarded a 3-years predoctoral grant to identify and implement new solutions to the health problems of society.

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