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Julia Winter, new CEO of Transbiomed, VHIR’s spin-off



Julia Winter is the new CEO of Transbiomed, the spin-off of the Vall d'Hebron, Institut de Recerca (VHIR) that has recently developed a urine test for early diagnosis of prostate cancer. Born in Colorado (USA), Winter has accumulated nearly 20 years experience in the field of scientific and business innovation. In her resume highlights a proven ability to manage, create and develop business strategies, as well as knowledge of international biotechnology market.Biologist and MBA in Stanford, has served on the board of directors of ERA Biotech, has been responsible for identifying new investment opportunities in biotechnology in Spain at Sofinnova Partners, director of business development at ALZA Corp, junior partner in the venture capital firm InterWest Partners in Palo Alto (California), and Furman Selz Inc. analyst in New York. Transbiomed was founded in 2007 by Drs. Jaume Reventós, Andreas Doll and Miguel Abal, from VHIR, and Raimon Forés, executive of the biotechnology sector. On February closed a financing round of 1.2 million euros with the venture capital firm Inveready Seed Capital.

Julia Winter is the new CEO of Transbiomed, the spin-off of the Vall d'Hebron, Institut de Recerca (VHIR) that has recently developed a urine test for early diagnosis of prostate cancer. Born in Colorado (USA), Winter has accumulated nearly 20 years experience in the field of scientific and business innovation. In her resume highlights a proven ability to manage, create and develop business strategies, as well as knowledge of international biotechnology market.Biologist and MBA in Stanford, has served on the board of directors of ERA Biotech, has been responsible for identifying new investment opportunities in biotechnology in Spain at Sofinnova Partners, director of business development at ALZA Corp, junior partner in the venture capital firm InterWest Partners in Palo Alto (California), and Furman Selz Inc. analyst in New York. Transbiomed was founded in 2007 by Drs. Jaume Reventós, Andreas Doll and Miguel Abal, from VHIR, and Raimon Forés, executive of the biotechnology sector. On February closed a financing round of 1.2 million euros with the venture capital firm Inveready Seed Capital.

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