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La Marató presents two projects led at VHIR in cardiovascular diseases



Drs. Jaume Casaldàliga and Josep Antoni Villena explain what they have done with the funds received on 2007

La Marató Foundation has presented the results of the 26 research projects in cardiovascular diseases awarded in 2007. In that edition, two studies of Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) were funded: a research in diabetic cardiomyopathy, led by Dr. Josep Antoni Villena, from the Diabetes and Metabolism group, and a study on a new pathology of congenital heart defect in adulthood. Both researchers have explained in a video the current state of their research. "" Link to the video of Dr. Villena talking about the project "Implicació dels estrogen-related receptors en l’etiologia de la cardiomiopatia diabètica: paper com a potencials dianes farmacològiques per al tractament de la cardiomiopatia diabètica", funded with nearly 200.000 euros. "" Link to the video of Dr. Jaume Casaldàliga talking about the project “Factors predictors de remodelatge ventricular dret positiu després d’implantació vascular en posició pulmonar en malalts adults afectats de tetralogia de fallot i insuficiència pulmonar greu de llarga evolució”, funded with nearly 80.000 euros.

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