29/02/2012 'The Master of TV3' and the research on spina bifida at VHIR 29/02/2012 José Escrig and Anabé Manzano are two students of 'The Master of TV3 ', who collaborated during the course with investigators of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) with the aim of having an experience in the field of the scientific journalism. The students lived through the study on the correction of the spina bifida in the fetus, from the investigation up to the application in a successful real case. "http://www.vhir.org/salapremsa/mitjans/mitjans_detall.asp?Idioma=en&mv1=5&mv2=1&mh1=0&mh2=0&mh3=0&mh4=0&ms=0&any=2011&num=321" More information: HUVH specialists operate a fetus affected with spina bifida with a pioneering technique in the world that has been successfully tested in sheep José Escrig and Anabé Manzano are two students of 'The Master of TV3 ', who collaborated during the course with investigators of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) with the aim of having an experience in the field of the scientific journalism. The students lived through the study on the correction of the spina bifida in the fetus, from the investigation up to the application in a successful real case. "http://www.vhir.org/salapremsa/mitjans/mitjans_detall.asp?Idioma=en&mv1=5&mv2=1&mh1=0&mh2=0&mh3=0&mh4=0&ms=0&any=2011&num=321" More information: HUVH specialists operate a fetus affected with spina bifida with a pioneering technique in the world that has been successfully tested in sheep Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp