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Messi involved with the new ad of the campaign 'Beat the silence. Beat Chagas'



VHIR participes in this initiative that we highlight again on the International Chagas Day

After two years the first spot of the campaign ‘Beat the silence. Beat Chagas Disease’ was produced, FC Barcelona Foundation, Messi Foundation, The Global Health Program of the Health Catalan Institute (PROSICS) and the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), with support from World Health Organization (WHO), have presented the second audiovisual of this project where, again, Messi is the protagonist.The continuation of this sensitization campaign is part of the global initiative "" ‘BeatChagas’ a project that aims to raise people, institutions and governments awareness of this disease. "" Chagas is an asymptomatic disease caused by a parasite and typically transmitted through insects (bugs), which usually live in the cracks of the houses in rural or peri-urban areas of Latin America.The new ad is about the congenital transmission of the disease (from mothers to children) to sensitize women in risk of being infected to do the detection tests. 5% of the pregnant women can transmit the disease to their children, but if these children are treated in their first months of life they become cured. The ad has been presented last Tuesday at the Camp Nou, within the medical conference ‘Bridges to beat Chagas collectively’ where many experts have been analyzing the latest news about this disease at the epidemiological, biomedical, psychosocial and management ambits, since Monday.Many patients and expert doctors from all around the world have participated in the Conference. Among them, Pere Albajar-Viñas, responsible of the control Chagas disease program of the WHO, Marcelo Leguizamón, responsible doctor of the Chagas project in the Leo Messi Foundation, Jordi Gómez, coordinator of the Medicine Topical and International Health Unite of the Global Health Program of the Health Catalan Institute (PROSICS) and researcher at the VHIR, and João Carlos Pinto, doctor specialized in Chagas, son a co-worker of Carlos Chagas (discoverer of the disease).At the institutional ambit, the vice president of the FC Barcelona Foundation, Ramon Pont, and the president of the Leo Messi Foundation, Rodrigo Messi, attended to the presentation. Gillette and the Hotel Princesa Sofía have also collaborated in the Conference.

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