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A must in your agenda: Dr. Edward Abrahams’ conference and the new Scientific Session



A must in your agenda: Dr. Edward Abrahams’ conference and the new Scientific Session

On December 10th and 11th Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) is celebrating two of its most important events: the Scientific Session and the Annual Conference. Dr. Edward Abrahams, president of the Personalized Medicine Coalition, will give the keynote speech. The first day of the Scientific Session has been very successful, with an attendance of more than 100 researchers. The Scientific Session has arrived to the 9th edition with major changes in the organization. There were no oral presentations in this edition, there were poster sessions instead, divided into predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers, and physicians in training (MIR). A jury assessed the posters competition and the winners will have to present it before the Annual Conference.The Internal Scientific Council approved to present two different areas of research each year. The areas chosen for this year were the Digestive and Hepatic Diseases, and the Oncology area. Finally, Dr. Miquel Vila, head of the Neurodegenerative Diseases group, and Dr. Israel Molina, researcher of the Infectious Diseases group, will explain on Friday what is the current state of two important studies that they led in 2014.On December 11th will conclude the Scientific Session and will start the Annual Conference. Apart from Dr. Abraham's conference, VHIR's Director will present the annual results of the institute, and will be given the grants and awards of the Scientific Session.The entrance for the Scientific Session and the Annual Conference is free. PROGRAMLugar: Sala de Actos del Pabellón Docente del Hospital Universitario Vall d'HebronJueves 10 de diciembre10:45h - 12.45h Presentaciones orales del área de Enfermedades Digestivas y Hepáticas 12.45h - 13:00h - Inauguración 13:00 a 15:00h - Sesión de pósters 15:00 a 17.00h - Presentaciones orales del área de OncologíaViernes 11 de diciembre09:15h - Presentaciones orales de los ganadores de la sessión de pósters 10:00h - Presentación: Rol de l'alfa-sinucleina en la enfermedad de Parkinson, a cargo del Dr. Miquel Vila 10:30h - Presentación: Liderazgo del primer ensayo clínico mundial con un nuevo medicamento contra la enfermedad de Chagas, a cargo del Dr. Israel Molina 11:00h - Coffee Break 11:15h - Inauguración Conferencia Anual 11:30h - Presentación: Resultados anuales del VHIR, a cargo del Dr. Joan X. Comella, Director del VHIR 12:00h - "19a Conferència Anual" "" 19a Conferencia Anual: Edward Abrahams, Presidente Personalized Medicine Coalition 13:00h - Entrega de Ayudas a la Formación 13:15h - Entrega de premios de los ganadores de la Jornada Científica 13:30h - Clausura

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