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New international recognition to the CEMARK Project, through the Medical Science and Engineering Institute – MIT.



The CEMARK project has been recognized, once more, by the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), as an innovative project for the molecular tool for the endometrium cancer diagnosis.

The CEMARK project has been recognized, again, for its innovation as a molecular tool for the endometrium càncer diagnosis. Rewarded with the FIPSE Medical Innovator award in the second Edition of the IDEA2 Global Awards of the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT). This new molecular kit for the diagnosis of endometrium càncer had been already selected earlier this year to participate in the internatinoal mentoring program of the Foundation for the Innovation and Health Prospective of Spain (FIPSE).CEMARK is being develoepd by the Research Group of Biomedicine in Ginecology of VHIR, lead by the Dr. Antonio Gil, the same group developed few years ago and commercialized the kit GynEC-DX with the group of companyies Geadic AIE for the molecular diagnosis of endometrium càncer.The prize gala has been organized by IMES (Institute for Medical sciences and of Engineering MIT) and counted with the participation of an excellence jury as the Director of Operations of FIPSE, the Director and Founder of the General Hospital of Massachussets, and members of the Brigham and Women's Hospital, among others. The monitoring expertise:During six months, a group of International experts will analyse the project CEMARK with the purpose of identifying the main limitations that can appear on the journey between clinical practice and commericalization, and will assess the research in these fields. "The step to MIT will serve as a pilot to properly develop and definí the best strategy for this product to arrive to the market", concludes the Dr. Eva Colás. This commercial milestone is expected to be reached by 2020, once overcome the clinical trials.

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