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Pre-registration for the 6th edition of the Master in Translational Biomedical Research of the VHIR



The pre-registration period for the 2019-2020 academic year of the Master's Degree in Translational Biomedical Research of the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) will be open from February 12 to September 10, 2019, or until the curs fills up.

The pre-registration period for the 2019-2020 academic year of the Master's Degree in Translational Biomedical Research of the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) will be open from February 12 to September 10, 2019, or until the curs fills up. This year's will be the 6th edition of this official Master, which has already established itself as one of the benchmarks of health research in Spain.More than 200 students interested in acquiring knowledge and skills that allow them to devote themselves to research aimed at finding solutions to people's health problems have already passed through the VHIR Master's Degree.The Master is oriented to the research career, gives access to the doctorate program and offers students the possibility of choosing the area of biomedicine in which they wish to specialize and develop their training. The most distinctive feature of the master is that it is taught entirely in a third level Health Research Institute, by basic researchers, clinicians and doctors who are in constant contact with hospital patients. The location of the VHIR within the Campus Vall d'Hebron confers the ideal environment to carry out biomedical translational research, always keeping the patient as the first and last objective.Over the past year, the Master obtained favorable accreditation from the University Quality Agency (AQU), revalidating the initial verification of the degree and the concession to continue teaching the program for the next four years. The VHIR obtained the "achieve in progress towards excellence" assessment in four of the six quality standards that are evaluated in the follow-up and accreditation processes of the degrees.In the evaluation report of the center, the External Evaluation Committee of the AQU wanted to highlight positively, as the main strengths of the degree: the high level of the profile of the Master's students, the involvement of the academic coordinators, the research excellence of the teaching staff , the proximity environment between the Research Institute and the Vall d'Hebron Hospital, the tutoring and support systems for student learning and the good integration of the students to the VHIR research groups, as well as the high level of training of the Master's Final Projects of the students who finish their studies. Which aspects are the most valued by the students? From the satisfaction surveys carried out with the former students, it is clear that the most valued by the students of the master's degree is the extensive period of external internships and the Master's Dissertation Project that allows them to integrate in a research laboratory and, in some cases, continue doing PhD studies. The majority of students consider that the degree has given them opportunities to access the research and / or professional community, and that the training received has allowed them to improve their personal and professional skills. Students' satisfaction with the tutorial system and accessibility to meet with academic coordinators, faculty, academic tutors and practice directors also stand out positively. Pre-registration calendarCandidates who wish to apply for admission to the master's degree for the next course must formalize the online prescription process.The calendar of resolution of the admission applications will be the following:. 1st Period: Applications received between February 12 and April 18. The resolution is scheduled between May 13 and 17. Admitted students must confirm their reservation before June 14.. 2nd Period: Requests received between April 19 and June 14. The resolution is scheduled between July 1 and 5. Admitted students must confirm their reservation before July 19.. 3rd Period: Applications received between June 15 and September 10. The resolution is scheduled between September 18 and 20. Admitted students will access directly to enrollment to confirm the place.In the event that the available positions are exhausted in one of the established resolution periods, the pre-registration will be automatically closed and the subsequent periods will not be opened.More information pre-registration in that link Hear what our previous students said about our Master studies.

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