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Prize for the best poster at the European Stroke Organisation Conference



Marina Gabriel, del grup de recerca en Malalties Neurovasculars, guanya el premi a millor pòster amb els resultats derivats de l'estudi SMARTS que dirigeix la Dra. Anna Rosell

Marina Gabriel, member of the" Neurovascular Diseases Group of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), received one of the prizes for the best poster at the 2nd European Stroke Organization Conference (ESOC), which took place from May 10th to 12nd in Barcelona.The researcher, who is doing his PhD at the VHIR thanks to the predoctoral grants program Amics de la Recerca de Vall d'Hebron, presented the study "Highlighting the importance of Angiogenin and CD34+/EPCs as a molecular and cellular markers of angiogenesis during rehabilitation therapy after stroke". The poster explained the results from the SMARTS study led by Dr. Anna Rosell, Principal Investigator at her group, in collaboration with the Unit of Neurorehabilitation and Brain Injury of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital (HUVH).At the Conference, which had 3,700 participants from more than 90 countries, participated other researchers from the group and from the Stroke Unit at the HUVH, who presented results of their research in 20 oral presentations and posters.Dr. Pilar Delgado took part as a speaker at the symposium organized by the Neurovascular network RETICS presenting the results of a study about stroke prevention by identifying the presence of silent infarcts in hypertensive patients. Dr. Carlos Molina, responsible of the Stroke Unit at the HUVH, hosted a session about the current design of clinical trials in the acute phase of stroke. For his part, Dr. Marc Ribó was a guest in one of the sessions on new developments in endovacular treatments for ischemic stroke.Part of the nursing team of the Stroke Unit also participated in the conference presenting posters. Olga Miñarro presented the model of early mobilization and multidisciplinary care of Campus Vall d'Hebron during the session on early care in rehabilitation of patients with stroke.In parallel meetings, organized by the federations of stroke patients, Dr. Joan Montaner, head of the Neurovascular Diseases Group, explained the latest advances in his field and, furthermore, he explained his experience about leading a research study from the laboratory bench to the patient's bed in the young neurologists' session. He also participated in the first meeting of the Prehospital Stroke Organization (PRESTO), where he explained the role of biomarkers in high-tech ambulances with cranial CT and telemedicine that allow starting treating stroke patients while moving them to the hospital.

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