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Professors de secundària aprenen virologia en la 3ª edició del curs “Professors i Ciència”



The researchers of VHIR Francisco Frias and Josep Quer, who work with the virus of hepatitis B and C, have given once again the sessions of the course Teachers and Science

The researchers of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) Francisco Frias and Josep Quer, the from the Liver Diseases Unit, and who work with the virus of hepatitis B and C, have given once again the sessions of the course Teachers and Science. It's been already 3 years since these experienced researchers invite teachers of secondary education to their laboratories to introduce them to the world of Virology.The aim of this course is to give to the teachers an additional formation to allow them to transfer knowledge about specialized subjects like virology to their pupils, promoting in this way scientific vocations.During the 4 days of the course there are visits to the research and diagnosis laboratory. There, attendees are given an example of anonymous analytics and are taught how it would be read by a professional to diagnose or rule out an infection by hepatitis. Material that then they can take to class and generates a lot of curiosity among students.They also work with audiovisual material such as microscopy videos or film excerpts selected by researchers in which is represented how a virus infect, how the disease is spread among the population (epidemiology). After they discuss whether the details in the film are scientifically correct or not and why. This activity generates discussions carried out on current topics related to Virology that may be of interest to the classroom.In the words of Dr. Josep Quer "people participating are very motivated and we give them tools and sources of information for them to move this interest to their pupils".Both teachers and researchers enjoy telling and learning during the course, which always ends later than the agreed time because of the questions and the interest of the attendees. Everything suggests that this sessions will continue in the future.

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