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A project of the Research Group on Diabetes and Metabolism receives funding from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes



The aim of the project is to determine if the determination of AGEs in the skin, lens and / or serum can be useful as predictors of risk of developing complications of diabetes (micro and macrovascular).

The Research Group on Diabetes and Metabolism at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) has received funding from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) by the calling EFSD/Sanofi Pilot Research Grant Program for Innovative Measurement of Diabetes Outcomes.The funding will be used have awarded the project "Non-invasive assessment of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and diabetic outcomes: an integrated pilot study" which aims to test the usefulness of the determination of advanced glycation products (AGEs) as a new predictor of the risk of micro and macrovascular complications of diabetes."The glycosylated haemoglobin is the parameter used to assess glycaemic control of diabetic patients, but only explains a small part of the risk of developing long-term complications. This is because it does not capture information on the glycaemic variability and, above all, reflecting exposure to hyperglycaemia in a short period (3-4 months)," said Dr. Cristina Hernández, principal investigator of the project. Therefore, to more accurately assess the risk of a diabetic patient to develop long-term complications would be convenient to have a complementary marker to glycosylated haemoglobin that integrates glycaemic status corresponding to a much longer period. Advanced glycation products could provide that information.On this basis, the main objective of the study is to find out whether the determination of the AGEs in the skin, the crystalline and/or serum may be useful as predictors of risk of developing diabetes complications (micro- and macrovascular). For this purpose, the AGEs will be studied in patients belonging to two cohorts of diabetic patients well phenotyped (ILERVAS and PRECISED). It will also be evaluated the correlation between specific AGEs to serum, skin and crystalline, and AGEs existing in complications' target tissues (arteries of the lower extremities, kidney, retinal and vitreous membranes).This project connects squarely with the transversal program of cardiovascular risk and with the Intramural Project of excellence PRECISED funded by the ISCIII, coordinated by Dr. David García-Dorado and of which the research group on Diabetes and Metabolism is part.

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