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Road traffic crashes, the silent epidemic of the third millennium, focus the Brain Awareness week at Vall d’Hebron



El VHIR se suma un any més a la iniciativa, amb una xerrada i una visita d'escolars a l'Hospital de Traumatologia i Rehabilitació.

Professionals of the Traumatology and Rehabilitation Hospital at Vall d'Hebron and from the Research Unit in Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery at the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) have participated at the 21nd edition of the Brain Awareness week, organized by the Institut Municipal d'Educació de Barcelona. Students from the Escola Santíssima Trinitat have visited Vall d'Hebron to learn about the consequences of road traffic crashes.In a conference, students learned the relationship between drug consumption and alcohol with traffic accidents, and saw the effects of the brain injuries from the intensive care unit. They also talked with a representative of the Catalan association of head trauma patients, who explained his experience.The activity was possible thanks to the collaboration of the Neurosurgery Service, the intensive care unit of Neurotraumatology, the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, the Spinal Injuries Unit and the research group at VHIR. Besides this activity, Dr. àlex Rovira, head of the Radiology Service and the Magnetic Resonance research group, and the technician Sílvia Gelabert, gave a talk in a school, entitled "The image of the brain in medicine. Historical evolution". Students and researchersThe Brain Awareness week, that takes place in Barcelona from the 14th to the 18th of March, is promoted by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and the European Dana Alliance for the Brain, to promote the dissemination of the progress and the benefits of the research on the brain.In Barcelona, the objective of the initiative is to show to students from 10 to 18 years the latest advances on research in this field, the brain's functioning, the consequences of drug consumption and the therapies available to heal brain-related diseases.

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