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Run4us open a challenge to raise funds for the study of autoimmune diseases at VHIR



An initiative for research on Lupus at VHIR.

The nonprofit association" Run4us has started a challenge to raise funds for research on antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus, performed at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). The association RUN4US aims to achieve maximum visibility of rare diseases and those affected through sport. His first major challenges are to do the Camí de Cavalls Epic 360o (23, 24 and 25 September), the Barcelona Triathlon (October 9) and finish the Barcelona Marathon (12 March 2017).The antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus are chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system is altered and produces antibodies that attack the cells, tissues and organs. In the first case, 70% of patients produce antiphospholipid antibodies that cause vascular diseases and thrombosis. In the second case, patients with lupus produce antinuclear antibodies circulating in the bloodstream and accumulate in vital organs causing inflammation, extreme fatigue and joint pain, among other symptoms.Once diagnosed with these diseases, patients become chronic because it has not yet been found any treatment to cure them. You can only try to control symptoms and prevent extreme pain. In this sense, the laboratory researchers led by Dr. Josep Ordi, ensure that it is vital to continue research to improve treatment of patients and try to discover the cause of diseases and possible cures.The laboratory of research in lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome, that belongs to the group of Systemic Diseases of VHIR, is conducting a transversal research, and has more than 900 patients treated at the hospital. Its aim is to find an effective immunosuppressive therapy for antiphospholipid syndrome, so that it can heal completely. They are also investigating new urinary biomarkers to better monitor patients suffering from lupus.From the page" "Mi grano de arena", RUN4US invites you to make a small contribution to research into these diseases, and to run, swim and cycle for research!

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