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The Science Class moves for a day at VHIR



From January to April, the institute organizes guided tours for secondary and high school students

Every Wednesday from January to April, students have the opportunity to move from the school’s laboratory to a real one. But in that case, not for experimenting, just for watching how leading researchers work every day to improve people’s health. Since four years ago, Vall d’Hebron Research Institute organizes guided tours for secondary, high school and university students, to encourage them to start the scientific adventure and show them the high potential of research in Catalonia. In a morning, things that seem to be taken from a movie, such as the DNA ultrasequencing machine, the laser cell microdissection or the confocal microscopy, become real and work in full performance to advance in the fight against any disease.Besides seeing high technologies at VHIR, students discover at the Animal Facility the strict rules that must follow to experiment with mice, learn the security measures for experimenting and separating waste, as well as they see where biological samples are centrifuged and stored. In 2013, more than 15 schools will visit VHIR, after signing up at the EscoLab Program of Barcelona’s city council, or contacting directly with the VHIR’s laboratory coordination unit.

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