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The scientific production of Vall d'Hebron excels in international comparative



Research at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital highlights in the international comparative analysis of the scientific production of researchers in Catalonia in the OCRI report released by Department of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In the section on the scientific production of hospitals and research centers of Catalonia displayed in the report, Vall d'Hebron ranks second in number of publications (output), with more than 3,000 documents, and in the comparative with other international centers is ranked in a highlighted position. With respect to the normalized impact factor (NI), it’s in fourth position, close to l'1,75, above the international average for centers studied in the report. "" More Information

Research at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital highlights in the international comparative analysis of the scientific production of researchers in Catalonia in the OCRI report released by Department of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In the section on the scientific production of hospitals and research centers of Catalonia displayed in the report, Vall d'Hebron ranks second in number of publications (output), with more than 3,000 documents, and in the comparative with other international centers is ranked in a highlighted position. With respect to the normalized impact factor (NI), it’s in fourth position, close to l'1,75, above the international average for centers studied in the report. "" More Information

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