15/03/2013 SODIR is awarded with the Best Medical Communication 2012 15/03/2013 The Catalan Society of Intensive and Critical Medicine recognizes the results published in Resuscitation The research group in Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation (SODIR) at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) has been awarded with the Best Medical Communication 2012 of the Catalan Society of Intensive and Critical Medicine, for the article: “ "http://www.resuscitationjournal.com/article/S0300-9572(12)00337-1/abstract" The sounds of cardiac arrest: innovating to obtain accurate record during in-hospital cardiac arrest”.The article, published at Resuscitation, the official journal of the European Resuscitation Council, explains the results of the incorporation of an audio recording system during in-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation, with the aim to know the factual procedures, techniques and therapeutics used in resuscitation. The proposed innovative solution also improves the items recommended by the Utstein style and enables the reconstruction of the cases in real time in order to be analyzed and discussed with the team afterwards, and to improve the quality of the in-hospital cardiac arrest assistance. The researchers Nuria Duran, Jordi Riera, Xavier Nuvials, Juan Carlos Ruiz-Rodríguez, Joaquim Serra and Jordi Rello signed the article awarded during the 34th meeting of the Catalan Society of Intensive and Critical Medicine. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp