26/06/2018 Solidary Paddle Tournament for Childhood Sarcoma’s research 26/06/2018 For seven days, Infoself Group celebrated the Third Solidary Tournament at the Tennis Club of Girona. For seven days, https://www.facebook.com/INFOSELF/?fref=mentions Infoself Group celebrated the Third Solidary Tournament at the Tennis Club of Girona. This year's edition, concluded on June the 15th, has transferred part of the obtained takings to the http://www.noel.es/ca/nosaltres/responsabilitat-social/ Albert Bosch Foundation (managed by Noel Alimentaria), to finance a research project in childhood sarcoma that is carried out by the http://en.vhir.org/portal1/grup-equip.asp?s=recerca&contentid=186749&t=Recerca%20Translacional%20en%20C%E0ncer%20en%20la%20Inf%E0ncia%20i%20l%27Adolesc%E8ncia Research Group on Translational Research in Child and Adolescent Cancer of VHIR.Infoself Group has been a referee at the technological field for more than 20 years in the counties of Girona. The Group organizes annually this Padel Tournament, contributing always with part of the takings to charity causes. This year, the takings have contributed to VHIR and its research on Pediatric Oncology through Albert Bosch Foundation.Dr. Josep Roma, principal investigator of this group and representant of VHIR, attended the event to thank the initiative and explain the assistents the several research lines that are ongoing at the moment on child cancer at VHIR. This specific research project, is focused on finding new therapies that are more specific and powerful against some child tumours that are still resistant to the current treatments.The donation gathers the several periodic donations provided by Noel Alimentaria company, managed by Albert Bosch Foundation, through its collaboration agreement with Vall d'Hebron Research Institute and the Research Group on Translational Research in Child and Adolescent Cancer. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp