18/12/2014 The Spanish Parkinson Federation recognizes a study by Dr. Vila as the best research paper 18/12/2014 Publicado en Annals of Neurology, demostraba que una proteína humana puede desencadenar la enfermedad de Parkinson Dr. Miquel Vila, head of the "http://www.vhir.org/larecerca/grupsrecerca/ca_grups_equip.asp?Idioma=en&mv1=2&mv2=1&mh1=2&mh2=1&mh3=1&mh4=0&ms=0&area=4&grup=8&menu=3" Neurodegenerative Diseases Group of the VHIR, and member of CIBERNED, has been recognized as the best research paper in the VII edition of the "http://www.fedesparkinson.org/" Spanish Parkinson Federation (FEP) awards. The jury recognized the article ‘ Lewy Body Extracts from Parkinson Disease Brains Trigger a-Synuclein Pathology and Neurodegeneration in Mice and Monkeys’, "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ana.24066/abstract" published last march in the scientific journal Annals of Neurology and presented by Dr. Miquel Vila, among the 21 articles presented coming from research centers and hospitals from all over Spain.The same scientific journal, Annals of Neurology, and its editorial board had already awarded Dr. Vila’s article two months ago, as best article of 2014.The study shows that pathological forms of the alfa-synuclein protein present in the brain of deceased Parkinson Disease (PD) patients were capable of initiating a PD-like pathological process in mice and primates. For the authors, these findings provide new information on how the disease is initiated and amplified.For Dr. Gurutz Linazasoro, president of the FEP jury, “the work can explain the mechanism of neuronal degeneration and the progression of the symptoms. The most direct potential consequence is the identification of new targets for neuroprotective therapies”. Moreover, he assures that “we have to stress that the work is fruit of the collaboration effort of different groups, national and international, and makes an example of the way of making big science in the 21st century”. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp