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Startup of the Barcelona Alzheimer Neuroimage Group (BANG) with the collaboration of VHIR



For research in neuroimage and other biomarkers of degenerative neuronal diseases as Alzheimer.

Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), ACE Foundation, the Research Institute of Santa Creu and Sant Pau Institute and Hospital del Mar Institute of Medical Research constituted on July 12 "BARCELONA ALZHEIMER NEUROIMAGE GROUP - BANG" for the research in neuroimage and other biomarkers of the degenerative neuronal diseases, basically Alzheimer's disease.Barcelona Alzheimer Neuroimage Group (BANG) establishes as a group of national and international reference to the promotion, the diffusion and the research in new therapies and methodologies related to degenerative neuronal diseases. One of its aims is the creation and validation of a multidisciplinary base that includes socialdemographic, cognitive and neuropsychiatric information, samples of genetics, rachidial fluids, biomarkers, PEIs and MRI and PET images, as prediction of Alzheimer's Disease and other related diseases, for its use in research activities. At the same time BANG will promote the traslational research of the degenerative neuronal diseases, in direct benefit of the affected population.The act of signature of the agreement of collaboration in research projects and constitution of the group BANG has taken place in the Town hall of Barcelona under the presidency of the Delegate of Health of the Town hall of Barcelona, Cristina Iniesta. VHIR was represented by its director, Dr. Joan Comella, and by Dr. Mercè Boada, head of the Alzheimer group, promoter of BANG and also medical director of ACE Foundation, also represented by Dr. Lluís Tárraga. Dr. Jose Álvarez Sabín, chief of the neurology service of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital also attended the presentation.

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