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The students of the Master in Translational Biomedical Research present their projects



For the Master's degree in VHIR, more than a hundred students have already passed. This year there were 48 students, among them, the seven researchers who received grants from the Banco Sabadell, Ferrer and Roche foundations.

Between July and September, students who have studied the VHIR Master's Degree in Translational Biomedical Research during the 2016-2017 course will present their Master's End Projects.This Master's Degree has been created to train researchers of excellence, with the necessary combination of knowledge and scientific and medical competencies to contribute to the success of translational biomedical research of the future.It is distinguished from others because it is taught entirely in a third level Sanitary Research Institute (SRI), by basic, clinical and medical researchers who are in constant contact with the patients in the hospital.For the Master's degree in VHIR, more than a hundred students have already passed. This year there were 48 students, among them, the seven researchers who received grants from the Banco Sabadell, Ferrer and Roche foundations.The voice of the awarded studentsPaula Antón Prieto, a student awarded by the Banco Sabadell Foundation, thanks the grant they gave her because she considers that it has encouraged her to continue studying. "It allows me to put my bit of sand so that all the research today translates into an improvement in the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia in the future," she says.To Erika Ortiz Domingo, the Banco Sabadell foundation grant has allowed her to join a research group where she has been able to enrich her scientific career and help her in the difficult task of finding a diagnosis in rare neurological paediatric diseases, as she tells us.Tresa Iguázel López Royo, awarded by the Banco Sabadell Foundation, admits that thanks to the grant she has been able to discover her true vocation."Now I have more clear than ever that I look forward to further research in the field of biomedicine, continue to grow with all that I get in exchange and overcome challenges," she says.Alba Grayston Morales, who also received a grant from the Foundation Banco Sabadell believes that it has been "a great help to advance her career as a researcher and complete studies that will allow me access to doctoral studies, which also will focus on the search for new therapies for the treatment of stroke," she says. Júlia Soler Flores, received a grant from Ferrer that has helped her to "investigate the effect of a drug on death receptors antagonists and their possible neuroprotective effect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and be able to make it in a leading Institute in the field of biomedical research as is VHIR," according to her.Leticia Suárez Cabrera, wishes to thank Ferrer for the grant the gave her, since it has allowed her to participate in a project for the identification of genes that could be involved in the development of bone metastasis in patients with advanced prostate cancer. "My goal for the future is to continue training in this line of research," she says.To Alfonso García Valverde, the Roche grant has helped him to achieve a solid scientific base that started his career in the world of translational research. He values very positively "the integration into a highly competitive research group as the Laboratory of Translational Research on Sarcomas where we look for new therapeutic strategies against the gastrointestinal stroma tumour (GIST)."

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