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Three VHIR professionals receive the Josep Trueta health merit medal 2014



The award distinguishes people and organizations for their contribution to improving health

Dr. Ferran Morell, head of the Pneumology group, Dr. Lluís Cabero, co-responsible of the Maternal Fetal Medicine group, and Dr. Mercè Canela, from the General Surgery group, have been awarded the health merit medal 2014, that give the Catalan Government. The awards ceremony has been presided by the catalan health regional minister, Boi Ruiz, with the vice-president of the Catalan Parliament, Núria de Gispert, in charge of giving the awards and closing the ceremony.The aim of the awards, which in this edition have been given to 9 people and 3 organizations, is to recognize their contribution to the advance and improvement of health. These awards were created in 1997, coinciding with the celebration of the centenary of the birth of the recognized Catalan doctor and scientist.Dr. Lluís Cabero Roura is co-responsible of the "" Maternal Fetal Medicine group, at the Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR), and gynecologist at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital. Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the UB, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, and in Sciences and Biology. He was president of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (1995-2003), president of the National Commission of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ministry of Education and Health (2000-2005), and president of the Commission Hospital Amic dels Nens UNICEF (1997-2006). He has also been vice-president of the MS Foundation and vice-president of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). Since 2009, he is Chair of the Capacity Building in Education and Training Committee de FIGO. He has also been appointed honorary member of several international societies. Nowadays, and since 1990, he is head of the service and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Since 2000, he is director of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Service at Quirón Clinic in Barcelona, and also presides the Bioethics Commission of the Spanish Society in the same clinic.Dr. Mercè Canela, from the "" General Surgery group at VHIR, is head of the Thoracic Surgery Service at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, and the reference in Catalunya for lung transplantation. Doctor of Medicine for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She is specialist in thoracic surgery. After working in different hospitals in Catalunya, on 1985 she joined the Germans Trias Hospital, where she became Clinical Chief of the Thoracic Surgery unit in 1995. She later joined the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, where she achieved the maximum responsibility in the service, since 2009.Dr. Ferran Morell Brotad, is coordinator of the "" Neumology Basic Research Unit at VHIR. Hi is a Professor at the UAB, with 38 years of teaching career, and head of the Neumology Service, for 40 years, at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, where he started the first and the only programme available in lung transplantation in Catalonia. For its activity, the catalan program is among the seven more active in the world with 60 transplants every year. He was director of the Medicine Department at UAB (2005-2011). Regarding research, he has driven several initiatives to improve the study of respiratory diseases such as the creation of a unit of reference in the study of occupational diseases and another unit dedicated to the study of respiratory manifestations of patients with immunodeficiencies. He has been the chair of prestigious medical societies and the author of more than 240 articles published, many of them on pulmonary fibrosis.The "" other awarded with the Josep Trueta medal are: the specialist in cardiovascular surgery, Josep Maria Caralps Riera, the specialist in general medicine, Carlos Martín Cantera, the founfer of the Fisiogestión Corporation, Albert Nuñez Pérez (awarded posthumously), the midwife, Maria Gasull Vilella, the economist and lawyer, Guillem López Casasnovas, and the creator of the Coordinadora d’Usuaris de la Sanitat, Carme Serarols Arnau. Also received the Josep Trueta award Assistència Sanitària Col·legial, the Fundació Humanitària pel Tercer i Quart Món Dr.Trueta, and the Federació d’Entitats per la Salut de Lleida.

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