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Transbiomed merges with the biotech company Amadix



The first VHIR’s spin-off has sold all the shares and the new group has increased the capital in 2 million euros

Transbiomed, the first spin-off of Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), has sold the 100 per cent of the shares to the biotech company Amadix. Dr. Jaume Reventós, founding partner of Transbiomed and responsible of the Research Unit in Biomedicine and Translational and Pediatrics Oncology at VHIR, will lead the new Scientific Advisor Committee. With this operation, Amadix becomes the leading company in the development of cancer diagnostic products. To fund projects in oncological research, the new group has increased its capital in 2 million euros. The Funds CRB Bio II has invested the 75 per cent of the capital, whereas the Inveready Capital Company, the 25 per cent.Transbiomed was set up in 2007 at Vall d’Hebron with the aim to develop new in vitro molecular diagnostics based on genomic and proteomic technologies in hormonal tumors. On the other hand, Amadix was constituted in 2010 at Castilla y León with the goal of developing and commercializing innovative diagnostic tools that support personalized treatment in the field of Oncology.

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