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Vall d'Hebron and Fundación Vodafone present a rehabilitation project at the Mobile World Congress


With this application, patients of stroke could do exercise and connect with their doctors from home

A joint project of Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (HUVH) and Fundación Vodafone España will let patients of stroke doing rehabilitation exercises from home, under the supervision of their doctors. The new system of telemedicine and telerehabilitation has been presented at the Mobile World Congress (MWC), which takes place from the 25 to the 28 of February at Hospitalet del Llobregat (Barcelona). The project consists in a series of personalized exercises that patients of stroke must follow in order to improve their mobility after suffering stroke. The system records the exercises to ease the control of the evolution of the treatment and allows programmed videoconferences between doctors and patients.In the video attached, Juan, 69 year-old, explains how with this application could improve his mobility after suffering a stroke while he was swimming. Dr. Marc Ribó, neurologist from the Stroke Unit at HUVH, also appears in the video highlighting that this tool “will allow exercises to be adapted to the patient evolution”.The project, presented at the MWC, involves a computer with a touch screen, a Microsoft Kinect console and a USB Modem that must be installed at home.

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