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Vall d'Hebron and Hospital Nossa Senhora da Paz in Angola organize the X Scientific Days on endemic infections and malnutrition

Equip del VHIR a Angola

VHIR team in Angola.

X Jornades Científiques del VHIR i l’Hospital Nossa Senhora da Paz a Angola

X Scientific Sessions of VHIR and Hospital Nossa Senhora da Paz in Angola.

Visita a Tchindindi

Visit to Tchindindi, community of the CRESCER project.


Members of the Infectious Diseases research group and the VHIR Management participated in the sessions and visited the areas where the CRESCER and FUTURO projects are developed.

Vall d'Hebron has co-organized, together with the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Paz in Cubal (Angola), the X Scientific Days aimed to discuss the research carried out in the region to combat endemic infections and child malnutrition. Members of the Infectious Diseases research group of Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and the center's management traveled to participate in the sessions and met with local authorities.

Among the topics that focused the sessions were the main problems related to sexual and reproductive health and maternal and child health faced by Angola, the advances in the treatment of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and the spread of diseases linked to two of the most common parasitosis affecting the area, such as malaria and schistosomiasis.

During the meeting, the VHIR team was accompanied by a TV3 team to show the work in the region, as well as representatives of the Carlos III Health Institute and the Fiocruz Foundation of Brazil.

15 years of research in Angola

For more than 15 years, Vall d'Hebron has been carrying out research and development projects in Angola, with special interest in the field of infections such as tuberculosis, malaria and tropical diseases.

In addition, it currently coordinates two projects funded by the European Union. They are the CRESCER project, within the FRESAN Program, on prevention of chronic child malnutrition in southern Angola, and the FUTURO project, focused on sexual and reproductive health in young people in the province of Benguela.

In the framework of the X Scientific Days, the VHIR team visited Tchindindi, a community of the CRESCER project, to explain, together with the Community Development and Health Agents, the details of the study to the pregnant women who participate in it. Likewise, they participated in several activities carried out by the local associations that are part of the FUTURO project consortium.

Within the framework of the CRESCER project, last March the phase of recruiting participants for the MuCCUA study concluded, with a total of 1423 pregnant women. In addition, in mid-June, a contest for the creation of toy prototypes using recycled material was launched, with the collaboration of university students. This initiative promotes academic participation, social commitment and care for the environment, with the ultimate goal of reproducing the winning toy to give it as a gift to all the children participating in the study on their birthday.

Furthermore, the II Forum on Sexual and Reproductive Health was recently held within the framework of the FUTURO project, where the most important results since the beginning of the study were presented. The importance of the participation of young people, the networking with local associations and the need to continue working on gender equality were highlighted.

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The meeting was an opportunity to get to know projects from both institutions and to promote interaction between professionals.

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Vall d'Hebron has coordinated this initiative that has carried out numerous training and community awareness activities aimed at empowering young people in sexual and reproductive health issues.

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